
Once your order is placed, it will take 1-2 business days for our warehouse to process it and ship it out.

Once your order is shipped, we will email you with a confirmation and a tracking link.

United States

Standard shipping is US$10 and usually has 3-4 business days of transit time. Standard shipping fee is waived for orders US$50+.

Express shipping is available as a US$15 upgrade during checkout. Transit time is 1-2 business days.

Shipping is domestic so there are no additional taxes or duties.

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship any US Territories at this time. All orders to Hawaii and Alaska have flat shipping rate fee of US$25 and all orders do not qualify for free shipping.


Standard shipping is C$15 and usually has 3-9 business days of transit time. Standard shipping fee is waived for orders C$65+.

Express shipping is available as a C$20 upgrade during checkout. Transit time is 1-2 business days.

Shipping is domestic so there are no additional taxes or duties.

Rest of the world

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to anywhere outside of US or Canada at this time.